

Information & Tips on Lawn Care in Southeast Wisconsin

We’ve been in the landscaping business for 25 years. Whether you need lawn care services in southeast Wisconsin or you’re looking for more information on seasonal lawn care, shoreline restoration, and hardscape installations, you can turn to Koch Kuts. We want to provide you with the must-know information to keep your lawn and landscape flawless. From seasonal tips to long-term care – we have you covered.

Why Hire a Professional Burlington Landscaper?

Tackling any big renovation without the help of a trained professional can open up a lot of doors for errors that end up costing more money in the long run. There are many different factors that go into landscaping. There are many common mistakes that happen during a do it yourself project that in the end will cost you significantly more than a professional landscaper would have initially.

Fire Pits and Fireplaces for Fall

Ready or not, here fall comes! Fall means a lot of things: leaves everywhere, colder weather, allergies. Amongst all the negatives of fall, there are so many amazing aspects of fall! Jumping in leaves, the colors, pumpkin spice everything, and of course the beloved S’MORE! There is nothing better than a crisp night with family all around, getting the perfect char on a fluffy white marshmallow.

2023 Fall Lawn Services

Our fall maintenance & cleanup keeps your lawn clean and well-manicured, our fall lawn care services prepare your root system for winter and spring.

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